Clear, Simple and Fair pricing.

We believe we are delivering a quality, best in class product and providing you with a purpose built platform so that you can focus on what you do best.
Delivering consulting projects.

Only pay for consultants earning you money!

Our pricing is value based. Put simply you pay us based on the number of consultants that are actively billing in a given month.

So if a consultant is in your network but not billing a client (for example bidding on work) we’re not charging you for their use of Splash. With us you can rest assured you’re not overpaying for some software you’re not getting use out of.

When you win, we win – A true partnership.





Up to 10 Actively Engaged consultants
per actively engaged consultant per month
per actively engaged consultant per month
per actively engaged consultant per month


Client management

Project financial planner

Project pricing


Contracting filing

Talent Management


Automated contracting*

Financial forecasting

Template branding






API support


Dedicated support mgr

Free implementation & migration

Collectives (Talent)

N. of Standard Collectives





Discounted Collectives Fee

Additional one-off costs (Optional)

*Automated Contracting Set up – £1,000

Change Management Consulting – £1,500

Custom Integrations – Depends on Integration complexity



Up to 10 Actively Engaged consultants


Collectives (Talent)




per actively engaged consultant per month



Collectives (Talent)




per actively engaged consultant per month



Collectives (Talent)

Let's talk



per actively engaged consultant per month



Collectives (Talent)

Ready to start? No credit card required.

We are committed to your success.

It is important to work with a partner who will never let you down, so our promise is simple. 


We guarantee that Splash will improve your consultancy or we will give you your money back, we’re that confident.

Money back guarantee

Zero risk, only reward. We'll give you your money back if after 30 days you're not satisfied with our product.

You own your data

Your project data, consultants, day rates etc will never be used for anything other than to serve your best interests.

Free training and onboarding

We'll teach you how to get the best out of Splash and get you up and running in no time.

Frequently asked questions

Yes! If you cancel your subscription within 30 days of your first payment, and you would like a refund, please contact support and we will happily issue you a refund.
Our onboarding team will help you import project data, financial data and contracts from past or running projects so that you can have a single source of truth right from the start.
Unlimited! Create multiple workspaces for different project streams and get easy access to all your workspaces from a dashboard.
You can easily add new users by navigating to the settings page of your workspace. Click on your workspace initials on the bottom left side of the screen and select settings. Then navigate to Members tab to manage your workspace users.
Splash allows you to have access to multiple workspace. If you want to organize and manage your business by having multiple workspace, please contact our support team at
Email notifications can be white labeled with custom headers and footers. Incase you want to customize the notifications sent through splash write us an email at
You can customize onboarding notifications and the process of onboarding consultants in splash which allows you to collect and manage your consultants data through splash platform. If you would like to setup and configure automated onboarding please reach out to our team at
Contracting consultants can only access the project timesheet records. Users who are added to your workspace can see all the information added into Splash. This includes project, clients and consultant information.
You can remove a consultant from a project by selecting the delete option in the Project Details – consultants tab.You can remove users in the workspace settings page. Click on your workspace initials on the bottom left side of the screen and select settings. Then navigate to Members tab to manage your workspace users.
You can remove users in the workspace settings page. Click on your workspace initials on the bottom left side of the screen and select settings. Then navigate to Members tab to manage your workspace users.

Splash is built on best practices for handling, storing and delivering data. Your information is stored in the servers of our cloud service provider and we ensure that only relevant people can access your information.

Your information is only accessible to the technical team responsible to ensure the quality of service. Your data will only be accessed by the technical team for maintenance and backup purpose.

You will be billed through our billing provider. In the case of a monthly subscription, you will be charged each month, otherwise, your will be charged annually. To get more information on the billing cycle and charging details please send an email to
You can update and edit your profile information in the settings section. Click on your workspace initials on the bottom left side of the screen and select settings. Then navigate to the Profile tab to manage your profile information.

Ready to get started?


